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This example is simple and for beginners. It shows you how to make Bullet Trails(or "Tracers"), a neat little effect for bullets in games. The effect can cause lag, but only if there are tons of bullet objects on the screen at once. If you use the Objects version for GM Lite, you are strongly recommended to either deactivate or destroy trail instances outside the view/room. The Particles version is much faster than the objects version, but is for GM Pro only. The Objects version uses image_angle to rotate the trails and bullets(making it require Pro), but there are Lite rotation methods, so you can use those if you use GM Lite.

Optimization tip for objects version: The longer the trail sprite("width" wise), the less instances of the trail object you need to make an unbroken trail. However, the longer the sprite, the lower the quality of the trail as the fading can get a little "choppy" with really long sprites.

Particles Version

Download Particles Version

Objects Version

Download Objects Version